Pioneers in the marketing of stable metal isotopes as tracers of pollution sources with turnkey solutions for private companies, as well as governmental or non-governmental organizations of any country!
We partnered with reputable public institutions to ensure reliable delivery of services
Stable isotopes of constituent metals are powerful tools for tracing the various sources of contamination in the environment. They provide quantitative information, complementary to that provided by other tracers. The project led by Asean-Water aims to offer the use of these innovative tools, confined until now in research laboratories, to private sector companies in the environment sector.
In complex, multi-source environments, isotopes are promising tools for discriminating pollutant inputs from different sources and identifying those with the greatest contribution or with the most problematic impact on populations or the environment.
Asean-Water is the interface between the needs of consultancies, governmental organizations, laboratories or NGOs and the analysis platforms (in particular AETE-ISO), including many aspects, ranging from the development of a sampling campaign, up to the processing and interpretation of the results, including the adaptation of purification and analysis methods according to the target element.
It is possible to isotopically analyze copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), antimony (Sb) and lead (Pb).
Particularly efficient in urban, industrial or mining areas and are suitable for identifying a precise source of contamination, whether old or still active, in order to allow more targeted, effective and less expensive remediation.
Metals and metalloids often have harmful effects on populations (endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, bioaccumulators, etc.), and thus, it is essential to protect populations living near contamination sources or industrial environments.
We can perform isotopic analyzes in water, food, atmospheric dust as well as blood and urine, in order to precisely target the contamination vectors most harmful to populations (ingestion through food, water, inhalation, etc.).
Isotopes make it possible to trace in the environment a molecule with a precise isotopic signature (phytosanitary products, etc.) as well as some of its degradation products, and to identify it in the different levels of the trophic chains.
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