Free and open access environmental courses !
Asean-Water believes that change can only happen if all the stakeholders of the society work together to achieve significant growth and development. Every citizen has the right to have access to clean and safe water and knowledge is essential to achieve this goal! Free and open access classes about environmental sciences, isotopy & water courses. Everything you need to understand the global challenges.
Asean-Water regularly offers courses on environmental sciences, to understand global issues related to water resources, climate change or industrialization. All these courses are completely free and free to access, and interactive, do not hesitate to ask your questions or remarks in the comments or on the forum!
Resources from other organizations such as universities that are of particular interest will also be shared so that they can reach the greatest number of people.
All our courses are written by researchers who are specialists in their subjects of study in environment sciences. The topics covered are mainly:
Many resources are available on the internet for training in water sciences. But we have selected courses of excellent quality, free and most often made available by universities. Knowledge is at your fingertips!
These courses are under the form of videos, with entire syllabus lasting between 5 to 48 hours and can deliver certificates.
Documentaries and alternative websites are an excellent way to get information differently and easily! Many documentaries on water in several languages have been made available and summarized by master students! Discover them without delay.
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