Legal Information


Asean-Water is a mission-driven company headquartered in France, under the following reference numbers :

Denomination: Asean-Water

Legal form: SAS (Simplified joint-stock company)

Head office: 20 Rue de la Faurie, 09240 La Bastide de Sérou

Capital : 100€

RCS registration number: 948 087 242 R.C.S. Foix (13/01/2023)


  • +33769657276 (Whatsapp)
  • or via this webpage

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Asean-Water's environmental and social missions

This company is registered as a company with a mission. According to French law, it is for a company to publicly affirm its raison d’être, as well as one or more social and environmental objectives that it sets itself the task of pursuing within the framework of its activity.

These elements must be recorded in the company’s articles of association and declared to the registry of the commercial court, in accordance with the procedures provided for by decree no. 2020-1 of January 2, 2020. The status of company with a mission will thus be mentioned in the Sirene directory. , the database of companies and establishments.

Social missions

1) Disseminate freely, gratuitously and disinterestedly knowledge relating to the sciences of environment and water, in English so that it can be useful to as many people as possible, and in particular to populations who find it difficult to follow university courses.

2) Provide expertise and know-how to help the populations of Southeast Asia with respect to their access to water and their exposure to various inorganic pollutants.

Environmental missions

1) The research, improvement and development of isotopic tools allowing more precise tracing effective from sources of contamination.

2) Document the contaminations studied within the framework of the activities of Asean-Water for the take advantage of French or international public scientific research, NGOs and different governmental or municipal institutions of the countries concerned.

Asean-Water’s proof of progress with regard to these different missions is the subject of a report every two years summarizing all the actions taken in this direction.